Terra Incognita, serving a purpose
For 16 years, I worked in highly technical businesses where performance is assumed to be strongly linked to the level of technical mastery and ability to innovate. And yet, I have made the same observation over and over again: the best possible technical quality, even with a breakthrough innovation, does not lead to full and complete success without effective interactions one on one and in a collective, without true collaboration with teams, management, clients and the environment at large.
Without a know-how-to-be, both individual and collective, that allows collaboration, the know-how-to-do creates little value. Without a high quality doing know-how-to-do, the know-how-to-be produces little.
Since 2005, I dedicated myself to promoting collaboration as a private person, a citizen and a professional.
Professionally, my goal is supporting companies and other types of organizations, to develop collaboration in all possible forms, as the source of added value that makes it possible to progress sustainably and achieve excellence, respectfully of individuals and business relationships. I personally serve as advisor and /or reflective coach to leaders who wish to provide high quality leadership and reflection to their company.
​ Further, I founded Terra Incognita to bring together, in a fruitful collaboration serving our clients, a network of independent partners, driven by this same vision in the field of coaching, facilitation, training and advice. Terra Incognita acts as a talent integrator in the field of coaching at large and contractor for large and medium-sized companies headquartered in Europe and also on other continents.
The name, Terra Incognita, describes our approach: helping our clients map and explore unknown lands of their, that exist and are not yet accessed.
Hoping to collaborate with you soon,
Martine Bizouard